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Industry and Trades >> Welding
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Instruction is given in three common welding processes: GMAW (GAS METAL ARC WELDING) GTAW (GAS TUNGSTEN ARC WELDING and SMAW (SHIELDED METAL ARC WELDING) students will learn to use different electrodes in/on Aluminum and Carbon Steel. Students learn hands-on application preforming welds according to the AWS (American Welding Society) and ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers).

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This practical course provides essential welding skills for repairs, home projects, and hobbyist tasks, with a focus on applications relevant to farme ...  View More


Start date: 08/16/25

Schedule : Weekly - Sat 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM; 4 sessions; starting 8/16/2025, ending 9/6/2025

Tuition: $299.00

Location: Building 1 - John Sessions Mechanical Building Location : 
  Building 1 - John Sessions Mechanical Building.

Room :  140

Instructor : Nick Cahill 

Please read: Learn basic welding techniques suitable for ...More

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Part 1: Basic skills. This foundational course introduces essential welding techniques and theories, covering cutting methods, SMAW, and GMAW. Partici ...  View More


Start date: 03/04/25

Schedule : Weekly - Tue, Thu 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM; 10 sessions; starting 3/4/2025, ending 4/3/2025

Tuition: $650.00

Location: Building 1 - John Sessions Mechanical Building Location : 
  Building 1 - John Sessions Mechanical Building.

Room :  142

Instructor : TBA Instructor 

Please read: Part 1: Basic skills. This foundational ...More

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 Part 2: Intermediate Skills.  Building on the basics, this intermediate course focuses on advanced welding techniques, including GMAW, FCAW, and an i ...  View More


Start date: 03/04/25

Schedule : Weekly - Tue, Thu 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM; 10 sessions; starting 3/4/2025, ending 4/3/2025

Tuition: $650.00

Location: Building 1 - John Sessions Mechanical Building Location : 
  Building 1 - John Sessions Mechanical Building.

Room :  140

Instructor : TBA Instructor 

Please read: Students will need to come prepared and ...More

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Part 3: This advanced course provides more in-depth training in GTAW and GMAW. Participants will focus on developing proficiency in advanced welding t ...  View More


Start date: 04/15/25

Schedule : Weekly - Tue, Thu 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM; 10 sessions; starting 4/15/2025, ending 5/15/2025

Tuition: $650.00

Location: Building 1 - John Sessions Mechanical Building Location : 
  Building 1 - John Sessions Mechanical Building.

Room :  140

Instructor : TBA Instructor 

Please read: Students will need to come prepared and ...More

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